Simply visit the Google Play store and IOS to download the Tap2Tip app and create your account and sign-in user password. Once this is done you can then proceed to fund your Tap2Tip Account through your bank card or bank transfer that you can tip with.
Using a well secured product app is our topmost priority, based on this we have layered our app solution with an advanced Multi-Factor Authentication Security Feature via the OTP model that ensures every account log – in and tipping transaction is solely authorized by the registered owner of the Tap2Tip mobile app through a generated OTP.
Tap2Tip allows users to easily tip service providers they wish to support. Simply load funds into your Tap2Tip account, scan a recipient’s QR code or their tip tag and send your tip securely and instantly.
Once you have downloaded the app, created and funded your account, you can easily push out or send tips of any amount as a reward to any individual that provides a good service to you through a QR code or the “Tip Tag”. The “Tip Tag” is a simple name phrase tied to the individual/employee you intend to tip, which you need to request for. These 2 Tips pay - out features are already embedded on the Tippers dashboard once you sign in.
Tap2Tip is free to sign – up and use. We may charge a small transaction fee on each tip you send as a tipper which helps us maintain and improve the service.
To set up Tap2Tip for your business in minutes, just simply go to "" to create your business account. Once done you can then register all your employees on the console by sending an invitation link (embedded under the Invite employee button feature on the console) for them to download the app and set-up their user accounts. Once done all their user accounts are automatically linked to the Business console. You can also easily set the tip share percentage split on the console for the employees once a tip comes in and also what comes into your business as the owner.
The Tip Tag is a short phrase extracted from the employees registered email address upon download of the app once their boss shares with them an invitation link from the Tap2Tip business console. The Tip Tag is usually captured without a specific domain address (e.g., and it is what the prospective Tipper request for from the employees in order to tip them as a form of appreciating good service. Example: Employee XYZ signed up on the tap2tip mobile app using his or her email address ( to register. The individual’s tip tag will therefore be “XYZstar”. .